in Blogging
If you have issues with privacy or security, search for your issue below for suggestions on how to fix it.

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If you have issues with privacy or security, search for your issue below for suggestions on how to fix it.

Blogger doesn't mediate disputes or determine who owns nicknames, handles, or screen names.
Someone links to images on your server

If someone links to your images, contact the blog owner.

To protect your images from links, use htaccess.

Ads appear on your blog
If you haven’t turned on ads but you get them, check your blog or computer for malware.

Recover your username and password

If you delete the email address you used to create your blog, you can still use Blogger with that email address.

If you delete your Google Account, you’ll lose your Blogger account and blogs.

Find your blog ID number

Every blog has an ID number. To find your blog ID number:

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. Select a blog.

Go to the address bar of your browser. The number at the end of the URL is your blog ID number.


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