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Full name: Pooja Yadav
Location: India
Website: https://www.timesbuzzer.com
About: An enthusiast content writer. I am always eager to learn new things that get me the knowledge and let me explore on my own. I'm on the way to conquer the world.

An enthusiastic graduate with an aim to be a part of an esteemed organization and contribute maximum through gained experience while possessing strong leadership and teamwork skills. Proven academic and curricular achievements I aim to propel the organization to achieve its goals and objectives with high standards.
Facebook: facebook.com/thepoojayadav
Twitter: linkedin.com/in/thepoojayadav

Activity by Pooja

Score: 5,744 points (ranked #49)
Title: Teacher
Questions: 163 (13 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 84 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 30
Voted on: 1,150 answers
Gave out: 1,149 up votes, 2 down votes
Received: 19 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Pooja

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The growth of a company is directly proportional to the employee dedication and commitment to the job and therefore, with my strong dedication and also a keen eye to detail I believe to offer my best in anything and everything I do.
Pooja 21 Apr, 2021