in Blogging

2 Answers

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You can create pages for consistent content like “About” or “Contact.” Pages can appear on your blog as tabs at the top or links on the side.

Note: You cannot use specific posts as pages.

Step 1: Show your pages

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow .
  3. Select the blog to update.
  4. In the left menu, click Layout.
  5. In the section you want your pages to show, click Add a Gadget.
  6. In the window, next to "Pages", click Add .
  7. Set your settings and click Save.
  8. At the top right, click Save arrangement.

To change where your pages will appear, drag the gadget to its new location.

Step 2: Create, edit, or delete pages

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow .
  3. Select the blog to update.
  4. In the left menu, click Pages.
    • Create a new page: Click New page. Enter a page title and other information and click Save, Preview,or Publish.
    • Edit a page: Under the page you want to edit, click Edit. Update your page and click Save, Preview,or Publish.
    • Delete a page: Under the page you want to remove, click Delete Ok.

Create a link to another website

  1. Sign in to Blogger.

  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow .
  3. Select the blog to update.
  4. In the left menu, click Layout.
  5. In the “Pages” section, click Edit .
  6. Under "Pages to show," click + Add external link.
  7. Enter the page title and URL and click Save Link.

Step 3: Select the pages to show

  1. In the left menu, click Layout.
  2. In the “Pages” section, click Edit .
  3. Select the pages you wish to show.
  4. Click Save.
  5. At the top right, click Save arrangement.

There is no limit to the number of pages you can have on one blog.

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Format a post in Blogger

Choose how HTML and line breaks are handled in your posts

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. Under the name of the blog, click Posts.
  3. Click the title of the post you want to edit.
  4. On the right side, click Post settings  Options.
  5. Choose how HTML code is displayed.
  6. Choose how line breaks are handled.
  7. Click Done.
  8. For posts that have already been published, click Update or Revert to draft. For posts that haven’t been published yet, click Publish or Save.

Add a Read More link

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow .
  3. Click the blog.
  4. Click the post.
  5. In the composer box, place your cursor where you want to put the "Read More" link.
  6. Click Insert jump break.

Create a post template

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, click the Down arrow  .
  3. Click the blog.
  4. In the left menu, click Settings  Posts, comments and sharing.
  5. Under "Posts," next to Post Template, click Add.
  6. Add your template.
  7. In the top right corner, click Save settings.

Content to avoid adding to your blog

  • Avoid adding content hosted by someone else without their consent.
  • Avoid using copyrighted materials. 
  • Avoid adding content that violates our content policy. This includes, but is not limited to, explicit imagery posted without the subject’s consent and hateful, violent, or crude content. 


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