No you need more ram then 512MBs If you get 10,000 visitors on average a day evening with most powerful optimizations Varnish Nginx Redis HHVM you must be prepared for a lot more traffic at any time including. Fact that your site will get attacked the DDOS attacks if you want a site that is going to actually function correctly and you need more ram
Look at what a 2 GB droplet did with 100-1000 concurrent visitors in 5 minutes.
Take Google analytics and showing you're getting right now times 5 then you have to plan an infrastructure that will deal with that type of traffic. I don't know if the band is high enough for that type of traffic. But look at my recommendations.
Obviously optimization Varnish Nginx Redis HHVM place a huge deal however I believe that five dollar a month get you 512 ram 10,000 non concurrent users no it is not able to do that day in day out securely and without issue absolutely way too small.
You need redundancy, security, the ability to take large amounts of concurrent visitors
Pagely, Pantheon for PressLabs will help you out
I understand the test can be run to simulate large amounts of users and if they run without error for five minutes people get excited you're talking about running without an error for good absolutely not.
Look at a company like Pagely, Pantheon, Presslabs, Kinsta or FireHost
And yes you can host more than one domain in a droplet. Obviously with enough ram Digital Ocean can do it.