in Abbreviation
AHCP full form and What is AHCP? Full form of AHCP and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation AHCP. For what AHCP is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of AHCP is Accredited Health Care Practitioner, or AHCP stands for Accredited Health Care Practitioner, or the full name of given abbreviation is Accredited Health Care Practitioner.

AHCP (Accredited Health Care Practitioner)

Accredited Health Care Practitioner is known as AHCP, Fundamentally healthcare and hospital accreditation is about improving how care is delivered to patients and the quality of the care they receive. Accreditation has been defined as "A self-assessment and external peer assessment process used by health care organisations to accurately assess their level of performance in relation to established standards and to implement ways to continuously improve"  Interest in hospital accreditation ascends as far as the World Health Organization (see external links). Accreditation is one important component in patient safety. However, there is limited and contested evidence supporting the effectiveness of accreditation programs.

AHCP all full forms

  • Accredited Health Care Practitioner
  • Affordable Housing Comprehensive Plan
  • Army Hazard Classification Program

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