in Abbreviation
COMPUTER full form and What is COMPUTER? Full form of COMPUTER and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation COMPUTER. For what COMPUTER is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

3 Answers

+9 votes

Best answer

The Full form of COMPUTER is Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research, or COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research, or the full name of given abbreviation is Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research.

COMPUTER (Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research)

Full form of Computer

Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research is known as COMPUTER.

  • C = Common
  • O = Operating
  • M = Machine
  • P = Particularly
  • U = Used
  • T = Trade
  • E = Education
  • R = Research

A personal computer (PC) is a general-purpose computer which is designed for personal uses. Its size, capabilities, and low cost make it useful for individuals. A personal computer may be a desktop, a laptop, tablet or a palmtop. It is based on microprocessor technology. Software applications! for personal computers include word processing, accounting, spreadsheet, databases, web browsers and e-mail, games and special-purpose software.


All the above full forms are related to COMPUTER. A little information is given about one of these full forms. If you are not satisfied with the information given about 'Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research (COMPUTER)', then comment. Or if you know more about 'Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research (COMPUTER)', then write.

It's T for technical or training not TRADE

No it's for technological

Once upon a time it is used "Trade" .
+3 votes


Most Important Computer Related full forms

Computer Memory

  1. KB- Kilobyte (this is the smallest storage unit)
  2. MB- MegaByte
  3. GB- GigaByte
  4. TB- TeraByte
  5. PB- PentaByte
  6. EB- EXAByte
  7. ZB- ZetaByte

Computer Hardware

  1. BIOS- Basic Input Output System
  2. CD- Compact Disk
  3. CPU– Central Processing Unit
  4. DVD- Digital Video Disk
  5. FDD- Floppy Disk Drive
  6. HDD- Hard Disk Drive
  7. HDMI- High Definition Multimedia Interface
  8. LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
  9. LED- Light Emitting Diode
  10. MMC- Multi-Media Card
  11. NTFS- New Technology File System
  12. PDF- Portable Document Format
  13. Prom- Programmable Read-Only Memory
  14. RAM– Random Access Memory
  15. ROM- Read-only Memory
  16. SMPS- Switch Mode Power Supply
  17. SSD- Solid State Drive
  18. UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply
  19. USB- Universal Serial Bus
  20. VDU- Visual Display Unit
  21. VGA- Video Graphics Array
  22. Computer Softwares
  23. ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit
  24. DVI- Digital Visual Interface
  25. OS- Operating System
  26. VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Seige

Computer courses

  1. ADCA– Advance Diploma in Computer Application
  2. BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application
  3. COPA- Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant
  4. CSE- Computer Science Engineering
  5. DCA- Diploma in Computer Application
  6. DCE- Diploma in Computer Engineering
  7. IT- Information Technology
  8. MCA- Master of Computer Application

Computer Networking

  1. 2G- 2nd Generation
  2. 3G- 3rd Generation
  3. 4G- 4th Generation
  4. 5G- 5th Generation
  5. CDMA full form- Code Division Multiple Access
  6. DNS- Domain Name System
  7. GPRS- General Packet Radio Service
  8. GSM- Global System for Mobile Communication
  9. HTML- HyperText Markup language
  10. IP- Internet Protocol
  11. ISP- Internet Service Provider
  12. SIM- Subscriber Identity Module
  13. URL- Uniform Resource Locator
  14. VPS- Virtual Private Server
  15. WAN- Wide Area Network
  16. WIFI- Wireless Fidelity
  17. WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network
  18. WWW- World Wide Web

Computer file formats

  1. 4K- 4000
  2. GIF- Graphical Interchangeable Format
  3. HD- High Definition
  4. MP3- MPEG Audio Layer 3
  5. MP4-
  6. UHD- Ultra High Definition
+2 votes


Computer Related Most Important Full Form

  1. ALU - Arithmetic Logical Unit
  2. AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
  3. API - Application Programming Interface
  4. ASP - Application Service Provider
  5. ATA - Advanced Technology Attachment
  6. BARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Center
  7. BASIC - Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction code
  8. BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
  9. BIT - Binary Digit
  10. BPS - Bits Per Second
  11. BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  12. CAD - Computer-Aided Design
  13. CAT - Computer-Aided Translation
  14. CD - Compact Disk
  15. CDMA - Code Divison Multiple Access
  16. CG - Computer Graphics
  17. COBOL - Common Bussiness Oriented Language
  18. CPU - Central Processing Unit
  19. CRT - Cathode RayTube
  20. CT - Computriosed Technology
  21. CU - Central Unit
  22. DB - DataBase
  23. DCL - Digital Command Language
  24. DNS - Domain Name System
  25. DOS - Disk Operating System
  26. DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
  27. DTR - Data Terminal Ready
  28. DVD - digital video Disk
  29. DVR - Digital Video Recorder
  30. EDP - Electronic Data Processing
  31. E-mail - Electronic Mail
  32. EOL - End Of Line
  33. FAT - File Allocation Table
  34. FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
  35. FS - File System
  36. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  37. Gb - Gigabit | Also Read - [ Most Important Full Forms ]
  38. GB - Gigabyte
  39. GUI - Graphical User Interface
  40. HD - High Definition
  41. HHD - Hybrid Hard drive
  42. HLL - High-level Language
  43. HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
  44. HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  45. IBM - International Business Machine
  46. IE - Internet Explorer
  47. IM:– Instant Messaging
  48. IP - Internet Protocol
  49. IS - Information System
  50. ISO - International Organization for Standardization
  51. ISP - Internet Service Provider
  52. ISR - Interrupt Service Routine
  53. IT - Information technology
  54. JS - JavaScript
  55. JUG - Java Users Group
  56. Kb - Kilo Bit
  57. KB - KiloByte
  58. Kbps - Kilo Bit Per Second
  59. KBPS - Kilo Byte Per Second
  60. KHZ - Kilohertz
  61. LAN - Local Area Network
  62. LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
  63. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
  64. Mb - MegaBit
  65. MB - MegaByte
  66. MIDI - Multiple Document Interface
  67. MPU - Micro Processor Unit
  68. MTNL - Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  69. NEXT - Near End Cross Talk
  70. NT - New Technology
  71. NTP - Network Time Protocol
  72. OMR - Optical Mark Reader
  73. OS - Operating System
  74. OSS - Open Source Software
  75. PAN - Personal Area Network
  76. PC - Personal computer
  77. PDF - Portable Document Format
  78. PPI - Pixels Per Inch
  79. PSU - Power supply Unit
  80. RAM - Random Access Memory
  81. ROM - Read Only Memory
  82. RTOS - Real-Time Operating System
  83. SAN - Storage Area Network
  84. SP - Service Pack
  85. TIF - True Type Font
  86. TTS - Text To Speech
  87. UI - User Interface
  88. UPS - Uninterruptible Power supply
  89. URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  90. USB - Uniform Serial Bus
  91. VFS - Virtual File System
  92. VM - Virtual Memory
  93. VOD - Video On Demand
  94. VPN - Virtual Private Network
  95. WAN - Wide Area Network
  96. WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
  97. Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity
  98. WWW - World Wide Web
  99. XML - Extensible Markup Language
  100. ZIP - Zone Information Protocol


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