in Blogging
How do I make $1000/month with a blog or niche site? How many page views or visitors should I have? How hard ls it to make 500$ per month as a new blogger? Which is profitable, YouTubing or blogging?

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Well, it depends on how strategic you are. I know people who’ve actually made thousands of dollars in their first month, if not, their first week. It also depends on what your blog is about.

Now, you may be thinking I’m blowing smoke up your backside, because hey, several thousand dollars in a few weeks? Am I kidding? Am I high? No. It depends on your skillset.

You see, a blog is just a platform. It’s just a way of you publishing content that people from all over the world can see. There’s not much different from publishing a newspaper or publishing a magazine.

Now, ask yourself, do you question whether a magazine can make thousands of dollars a month? Of course not, because you’re familiar with it. But when people say they do that with a blog, that’s when you get all skeptical and suspicious. Because hey, no way.

Well, it does work, and people do it quite a bit. I’m not saying everybody who blogs does it. That’s obviously not true. But if you know what you’re doing, it’s not only possible, it’s probable.

Here’s a quick rundown of how people can make a lot of money in a very short period of time with a blog. First of all, you can use your blog as a content co-creation space. In other words, there are a lot of people out there who are trying to reach certain audience.

For example, plastic surgeons pay a lot of money throughout all areas of the United States to get plastic surgery release. So you can contact these people, send them questions, they send in the content, and you create a blog based on those answers. I didn’t cost you much time, it didn’t cost you much money, but there, you have content.

The interesting thing is, they will link to it. So you then take that content and then publicize it through your promotion’s list. I’m talking about Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Reddit, and many other social platforms.

Now, a lot of specialists would pay you money to interview them because they’re looking for any kind of publicity or old forms of publicity. So they think that if they throw you 50 bucks, you’re in there, it’s not really that big of a deal.

Because remember, a plastic surgeon makes north of $5,000 per patient, and 5,000 bucks are chump change to them. That’s just for starters. It’s not unheard of for a plastic surgeon to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of one operation.

So if you ask them for 100 bucks, 50 bucks, or if you’re really aggressive 250 bucks, they would do it. I’ve seen that happened. So that’s one way to make a lot of money almost from the beginning.

Another way you can make a lot of money with a blog is to use it as a launch blog. In other words, you already have quite a bit of following on social media. Maybe you post inspirational quotes, or a lot of people ask for advice, so you do have some sort of following.

So you put up a blog and say, “Hey, I’m going to be blogging. You can check it out here. Please share my content.” And then you start offering courses. I’ve seen that happen as well, where just from day one, online teacher or online celebrity made thousands of dollars.

So there are many ways you can do this. The reason why a lot of people struggle with this concept of making a lot of money with your blog quickly is because they have this stereotype in their mind that a blogger basically has to create tons of content.

And somehow, someway hope to attract traffic with that content, and then these people would click on AdSense ads. And then for every click, they would get a few pennies. That’s the stereotype.

Well, you’re more than welcome to do it that way. And believe me, a lot of AdSense publishers do make decent money because they have the traffic. But there are many more ways to skin this cat than what you are aware of.

So yes, you can make a lot of money in a short period of time. If you’re lazy, don’t want to promote, or you don’t want to scale up by hiring ghostwriters to help you like Gene Eugenio or bulk content companies like Bulxter to produce content for pennies, it will take longer. So it really all depends on what you’re working with.

Personally, if I don’t have any budget, I would rather just dictate my blog post and create tons of content that way to target all sorts of SEO keywords. I would then turn around and send my audio to a highly qualified, talented, and hardworking people halfway across the world to transcribe it for me. It’s a win-win situation. I pay them decent money, they give me a lot of content, I earn from that content.

So depending on the control level you want as well as your expectations and time horizon, yes, you can make money with blogging. But you have to treat it like a business, that is the secret. You have to be serious about it.

Because a lot of people are thinking, “Yeah, I can just put up a blog, blog about whatever is interesting to me.” Yeah, you can do that. But unfortunately, the internet is littered with carcasses of such broken dreams. Don’t do it.


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