in Abbreviation
APMC full form and What is APMC? Full form of APMC and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation APMC. For what APMC is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

6 Answers

+4 votes

Best answer

The Full form of APMC is Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee, or APMC stands for Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee, or the full name of given abbreviation is Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee.

APMC (Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee)

Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee is known as APMC, Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Yard / Regulated Market Committees (RMC) Yard is any place in the market area managed by a Market Committee, for the purpose of regulation of marketing of notified agricultural produce and livestock in physical, electronic or other such mode.

An Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) is a marketing board established by a state government in India to ensure farmers are safeguarded from exploitation by large retailers, as well as ensuring the farm to retail price spread does not reach excessively high levels. The first sale of agriculture produce can occur only at the market yards (mandis) of APMC.

Other Full Forms of APMC

Term Full Form (Category)
APMC Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference
APMC Application (Server) for Mail and Calendaring
APMC Advanced Project Management Certification
APMC Agency Provided Medical Care
APMC Advanced Program Management Course
APMC Association of Professional Mole Catchers (UK)
APMC Amicale Philatélique et Marcophile Colmarienne
APMC Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission (Canada)
APMC Afloat Personnel Management Center
APMC Agricultural Product Marketing Committee (India)
APMC AMEDD Professional Management Command
APMC Agency Program Management Council
APMC Agricultural Products Marketing Council (Canada)
APMC Austin Preschool Mothers Club (Austin, TX)
APMC Associate Program Manager for Contracting
+1 vote


An Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) is a marketing board established by state governments in India to ensure farmers are safeguarded from exploitation by large retailers, as well as ensuring the farm to retail price spread does not reach excessively high levels.

+1 vote


How many APMC are there in India?

There are less than 7,000 mandis in the country today, while various official estimates have put the required number between 10,000 and 40,000. In any case, less than half of the agricultural produce is sold at the APMC mandis.

+1 vote


What is APMC Act India?

Presently, India's agricultural markets are regulated by the states under the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMCAct. Under the APMC Act, the states can establish agricultural markets, popularly known as mandis. The sale of agricultural commodities can occur only in the mandis through auction.

+1 vote


What is APMC problem?

Fees of trading in APMC went high. There is a limited number of APMC mandis which leads to insufficient market options for farmers to sell their produce. Even after imposing and collecting high fees, the infrastructure of the APMC was inadequate and lead to a high wastage of harvests.

+1 vote


What are the disadvantages of APMC?

Drawbacks of a regulated market - Under the act, the state Government could only set up markets, thus preventing private players from setting up markets and investing in marketing infrastructure. Formation of cartels with links to caste and political networks resulting in price variations.


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