Copy A File
The cp command is the primary method for copying files and directories in Linux. Virtually all Linux distributions can use cp. The basic format of the command is:
sudo cp [additional_option] file target_folder
For example:
sudo cp my_file.txt desired-folder
Copy all files from a folder: Change the directory, which you want to copy;
sudo cp -r * /var/www/html
where '/var/www/html' is target folder
Delete a file or folder
sudo rm -rf index.html
where 'index.html' is target file or folder
Move or Paste a file
mv [file] [directory]
For example, to move info.txt from the actual directory into the config/ directory, type
mv info.txt config/
If you prefix the command with sudo, you are telling the system to run the command as the root user (similar to an Admin account). Example:
sudo mv info.txt config/