in Abbreviation
AAFI full form and What is AAFI? Full form of AAFI and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation AAFI. For what AAFI is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of AAFI is Amateur Athletics Federation of India, or AAFI stands for Amateur Athletics Federation of India, or the full name of given abbreviation is Amateur Athletics Federation of India.

AAFI (Amateur Athletics Federation of India)

Amateur Athletics Federation of India is known as AAFI, is the apex body in Athletics in India and is responsible for conducting Competitions in the country. It was earlier called as Amateur Athletic Federation of India. It is associated with both Asian Athletics Association and International Association of Athletics Federations.

Other full forms of AAFI

  1. Associated Accounting Firms International
  2. Amateur Athletic Federation of India
  3. Audible Automatic Failure Indicator

All the above full forms are related to AAFI. A little information is given about one of these full forms. If you are not satisfied with the information given about 'Amateur Athletics Federation of India (AAFI)', then comment. Or if you know more about 'Amateur Athletics Federation of India (AAFI)', then write.

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Australians Against Further Immigration

Australians Against Further Immigration was an Australian far-right political party which described itself as "eco-nationalist" , was opposed to mass immigration and aimed for zero net migration. The party was founded in 1989 and registered in 1990. It ceased to exist in 2008. AAFI stood candidates at both state and federal level, but never won a seat. The party said it was a mainstream organisation, and sought to distance itself from extremist organisations such as the Australian League of Rights and from the Citizens Electoral Council. In 1994, Franca Arena, then a Labor member of the New South Wales Legislative Council, denounced the party in the New South Wales parliament.


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