in Abbreviation
ARD full form and What is ARD? Full form of ARD and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation ARD. For what ARD is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of ARD is Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition, or ARD stands for Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition, or the full name of given abbreviation is Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition.

ARD (Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition)

Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition is known as ARD, Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition is a special pre-trial intervention program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States for non-violent offenders with no prior or limited record.

The primary purpose of the program is the rehabilitation of the offender and secondarily the prompt disposition of charges, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming trials or other court proceedings. Accordingly, Defendants are generally required to waive certain constitutional rights in exchange for consideration of their case for ARD.

The aim of the program is to intervene at an early state, so that steps can be taken to prevent future incidents of a similar nature.

Other full forms of ARD

  1. Administrative Reforms Department
  2. Automatic Ring Down
  4. Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition
  5. Accounting Research Division
  6. Associate Regional Director
  7. Alor Island
  8. Acid Rock Drainage
  9. And Related Diseases
  10. Acid Reflux Disease
  11. Alberta Reinforcement Depot

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