in Abbreviation
AMD full form and What is AMD? Full form of AMD and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation AMD. For what AMD is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of AMD is Advanced Micro Devices, Inc, or AMD stands for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc, or the full name of given abbreviation is Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc)

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc is known as AMD, Founded in 1969 as a Silicon Valley start-up, the AMD journey began with dozens of employees focused on leading-edge semiconductor products. From those modest beginnings, AMD has grown into a global company of 10,000 people, achieving many important industry firsts along the way.

Other full forms of AMD

  1. Advanced Micro Devices
  2. Amendment
  3. Armenian Dram
  4. AMILA
  5. Amplitude Modification Device
  6. Advanced Micro Devices Company
  7. Acquisition Management Division
  8. Ahmedabad
  9. Add, Modify, Delete
  10. Absolute Maximum Discrepancy
  11. Acid Mine Drainage
  12. Area Mass Density
  13. Advanced Maggot Disease
  14. Armored Marine Division
  15. Air and Missile Defense
  16. Air Mobility Division
  17. Army Medical Department
  18. Air Movement Designator

All the above full forms are related to AMD. A little information is given about one of these full forms. If you are not satisfied with the information given about 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc (AMD)', then comment. Or if you know more about 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc (AMD)', then write.


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