in Abbreviation
AIM full form and What is AIM? Full form of AIM and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation AIM. For what AIM is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of AIM is Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility, or AIM stands for Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility, or the full name of given abbreviation is Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility.

AIM (Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility)

Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility is known as AIM, Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility is an industry trade group that developed and standardized bar codes, Automatic identification and data capture. It is based in Cranberry Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania.

Other full forms of AIM

  1. Netscape Aol Instant Message Launch File
  2. Asm Text Mode Image File (the Ultimate Draw)
  3. Application Interface Mapping
  4. Aol Instant Messenger
  5. Application Intelligent Management
  6. Active Ingredient Manufacturer
  7. Adaptive Ion Milling
  8. Aol Instant Messege
  9. Aeronomy of Ice In The Mesosphere
  10. Automated Informed Maintenance
  11. Ailuk Island
  12. All Inclusive Method
  13. Alice Interactive Mathematics
  14. American Institute of Mathematics
  15. Advanced Integration Method
  16. Advanced Idea Mechanics
  17. Accurate, Intentional, Measurable
  18. Atlis Information Management
  19. Assessment Information and Management
  20. Asian Institute of Management
  21. Alternative Investment Market
  22. Amsterdam Interprofessional Market
  23. Automatic Investment Management
  24. Anglers Inshore Members
  25. Advance In Mission
  26. Asas (all-source Analysis System) Interface Module
  27. Air Intercept Missile
  28. Armor, Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry
  29. Airman's Information Manual
  30. Assessment of Individual Motivation
  31. Active Ingredient Manufacturer

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