in Abbreviation
AAI full form and What is AAI? Full form of AAI and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation AAI. For what AAI is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of AAI is Airports Authority of India, or AAI stands for Airports Authority of India, or the full name of given abbreviation is Airports Authority of India.

AAI (Airports Authority of India)

Airports Authority of India is known as AAI, The Airports Authority of India or AAI is a statutory body working under the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It provides Communication Navigation SurveillanceDVOR installations co-located with Distance Measuring Equipment. 52 runways are provided with Instrument landing system installations with Night Landing Facilities at most of these airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15 Airports.

Other full forms of AAI

  1. Archery Association of India
  2. Airports Authority of India
  3. Acts Atm Internetwork
  4. Automatic Accounting Instructions
  5. Arraias
  6. Accredited Adviser In Insurance
  7. Accredited Adviser In Insurance
  8. Automatic Autodin Interface
  9. All-actor Integration
  10. Additional Authorized Items
  11. Army Analysis Intelligence
  12. Authorized Active Inventory
  13. Air-to-air Intercept

All the above full forms are related to AAI. A little information is given about one of these full forms. If you are not satisfied with the information given about 'Airports Authority of India (AAI)', then comment. Or if you know more about 'Airports Authority of India (AAI)', then write.


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