in Abbreviation
ALP full form and What is ALP? Full form of ALP and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation ALP. For what ALP is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

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The Full form of ALP is Assistant Loco Pilot, or ALP stands for Assistant Loco Pilot, or the full name of given abbreviation is Assistant Loco Pilot.

ALP (Assistant Loco Pilot)

Assistant Loco Pilot is known as ALP, The post of Assistant Loco Pilot is common in the Indian Railways under the Ministry of Railway and at various metro rail corporations within the country. The post of Loco Pilot is a promotional post and the direct recruitment is on the post of Assistant Loco Pilot. Assistant Loco Pilot is promoted to the Senior Assistant Loco Pilot post and then promoted to Loco Pilot level. After certain years of experience as Loco Pilot, the workman is promoted to Power Controller, Crew Controller, Loco Fireman (Loco Supervisor).

The appointment on Assistant Loco Pilot post is done as Group ‘C’ personnel at most of organizations. Role of an Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) is very important in Railways. ALP helps the Train Driver in running operations. Working as Assistant Loco Pilot is required maintains attention for long hours and must be able to respond quickly. ALP’s duty is to perform various responsibilities related to sending signals, ensuring proper running of the loco, and assisting seniors for minor repairing if requires while running.

Other full forms of ALP

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