in समानार्थी शब्द
Samanarthi Shabd of Aman (अमन), अमन के समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए, Tell me Synonyms of Aman in Hindi, अमन का समानार्थी शब्द क्या है?

2 Answers

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अमन के समानार्थी शब्द

अमन के सभी समानार्थी शब्द शांति, सुकून, सुख-चैन, अमन-चैन। आदि हैं। Samanarthi Shabd of Aman in Hindi is Shaanti, Sukoon, Sukh-Chain, Aman-Chain.

Samanarthi of Aman (अमन का समानार्थी शब्द)

नीचे दी गई तालिका में Aman Ke Samanarthi को शब्द, समानार्थी के रूप में अलग-अलग लिखा गया है। अमन का समानार्थी शब्द की सूची निम्नलिखित है-

अमनशांति, सुकून, सुख-चैन, अमन-चैन।
AmanShaanti, Sukoon, Sukh-Chain, Aman-Chain.

उम्मीद करती हूं कि आपको अमन (शांति, सुकून, सुख-चैन, अमन-चैन।) का समानार्थी शब्द यानिकि Aman Ka Samanarthi Shabd (Shaanti, Sukoon, Sukh-Chain, Aman-Chain.) समझ में आया होगा। यदि आपको अमन के समानार्थी शब्द में कोई गलती मिली हो तो तो उसे कमेन्ट के माध्यम से हमें अवगत अवश्य कराएं, या फिर एक नया उत्तर लिखे।

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"अमन" का समानार्थी शब्द हो सकता है:
1. शांति
2. शांति-सुख
3. निरपम
4. खुशी
5. बेख़ुदी
6. सौख्य
7. आराम
8. सुख-शांति
9. सांत्वना
10. सुखद

आप अपने संदर्भ और प्रयोग के हिसाब से किसी एक समानार्थी शब्द का चयन कर सकते हैं।

The name "Aman" is a unisex given name and is used in various cultures around the world. Here is some more information about the name "Aman":

1. **Meaning:** The meaning of the name "Aman" can vary depending on the cultural and linguistic context. In many languages, including Arabic and Persian, "Aman" (آمان in Persian) means "safety," "security," or "peace." It is often associated with the idea of protection and tranquility.

2. **Cultural Significance:** "Aman" is a name that is found in multiple cultures, including South Asian, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian cultures. It is a popular name in countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.

3. **Popularity:** The popularity of the name "Aman" can vary by region and time period. It has been a relatively common name in South Asia and the Middle East for many years.

4. **Variations:** There are variations of the name "Aman" in different languages and cultures. For example, in Arabic, the name can be written as "Amin" or "Ameen," which also mean "trustworthy" or "faithful."

5. **Famous People Named Aman:** There are individuals with the name "Aman" who have achieved recognition in various fields, including sports, literature, and entertainment.

6. **Usage as a Surname:** In some cases, "Aman" can also be a surname or part of a person's full name, especially in South Asian cultures.

7. **Gender Neutrality:** One of the notable aspects of the name "Aman" is that it is a unisex name, meaning it can be given to individuals of any gender.

It's important to note that names and their meanings can vary, and the significance of a name can be deeply personal to the individuals and their families who bear it.

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