in Internet
What are the disadvantages of Starlink?

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Disadvantages of Starlink


Satellite internet is known for having wide coverage. However, Starlink is only in its beta phase right now and only has a fraction of its satellites launched. This means that for the time being, most people don’t have access to it. There’s a thin strip of latitudes in only a few countries that can even sign up. This will improve eventually, but for now its coverage is quite lacking.


This is an advantage for many people. You don’t have to schedule a technician to come to your house, and you don’t have to pay an extra $100 for installation. However, for many this will be a disadvantage. They don’t want to deal with installation guides or ladders or their roofs and the convenience of self-installation turns into an inconvenience.

Slower Speeds than Cable

Starlink is outperforming many satellite internet companies. However, satellite has long been known as the internet type that sacrifices performance for reach. Starlink is no different. What it provides is better than what most people need, but it isn’t going to compare to the top cable and fiber internet companies.

Weather Interference

This is common with all satellite internet providers. Weather is an unavoidable obstacle. While many Starlink users are reporting strong signals during heavy rain, there is always going to be at least a small effect, and sometimes even outages.


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